Absence Management System (AMS)

Managing student absences is one of those things that seems like it should not take a lot of time, but in a large course it does.

Students can log into the site using their UMD credentials and create absences as well as view their previous absences. In their created absences they can add a start and end date, comments, and documentation.

Instructors and TAs are able to log into the site using their UMD credentials and can see information about classes they have enrolled/been enrolled in. From here they can create assignments and absences for students. They can also see some information about the class presented in a dashboard. This dashboard showcases absences of a certain status (New, Waiting on Instructor, Waiting on Student, Completed).

The system also automatically finds the specific students that are affected by an assignment.

If you are an Instructor or an Instructor has enrolled you in a class, login below!